BFO 2 Temporally Qualified Material Entities

Permanent Generic Relatedness and Silent Change

The temporally qualified material entity (TQME) ontology provides additional classes on top of BFO 2 that allow modelling silent changes at the type level. It is provided both as an OWL 2 ontology and a Clojure based DSL implemented using Tawny OWL.

Grewe, Niels ; Jansen, Ludger & Smith, Barry (2016). Permanent Generic Relatedness and Silent Change. In Formal Ontology and Information Systems. CEUR, Vol. 1060. pp. 1-5.

Competency Questions and Example Scenarios

We provide a set of example scenarios showcasing the ontology. These are also used as unit tests for verification of the modelling approach.

Download Competency Questions